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All prices are in EUR and include VAT.

For the location of departure and arrival, please use the most accurate address (address and house number or hotel or airport or restaurant, etc.)

The price of the ride is always per vehicle and not per person. Regardless of vehicle occupancy, the price is always the same.

Luggage dimension (standard airport dimension) is 56x45x25cm, maximum weight 25kg/49 linear inches, maximum weight 55 pounds/lbs) per person, with each client being allowed to carry one smaller piece of hand luggage (backpack, bag, etc). Transportation of luggage is included in the price. If the vehicle is not fully occupied, passengers may have as many pieces of luggage as the number of passengers for which the vehicle is registered.

The time and date of delivery of purchased and rented items from the “Extra options” section is the same as the time and date of the transport service.

If you need help with booking, we can be reached at the customer support number +38640841841 or at